It's a new year and is still here and although the activity is not at the same level as before Curtains' (IM Greg Shahade) understandable defection to YouTube, there is still plenty to celebrate. Most notably, the site has been enlivened by new videos from Gambitplayer. If you check the
Active Topics Page you'll see plenty of great new stuff from him: blitz games, a series on strategic principles and video tutorials of openings. Kamus is still around (natch, that's me) with his Chess Beauty series on endgame studies and chess problems. Many more videos are planned for this year including more endgame studies, coffeehouse openings, a series on the St. George Defense and the Psuedo-Trompowsky as well as classic games from great British chessplayers of the past.
Last but not least is the fantastic treasure trove of great videos that exist here, many from GMs, IMs and FMs concerning all areas of the Royal Game. Use the video search function to find a video on practically any chess subject that interests you.And if you are a Curtains enthusiast, although he may be camped out over at YouTube these days, but he leaves behind a vast collection (2000+) of videos, none of which appear on his YouTube channel.