Pawn Pawn

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Blindfold Chess Quiz

Difficulty Levels:

Easy | Medium | Hard


You will be given a series of moves, for example:

1. f4 e6 2. g4 ?

Your job is to visualize this series of move on a chess board, then find the next best move. The next move will always be a clear best move that either wins material or checkmates the opponent. In this example, the answer would be Qh4 (Not Qh4#, details below) which results in checkmate.

The goal is to see the board in your head and process the information without looking at a board!

Answer Format:

Your answer will be in standard PGN format, without any additional check or checkmate designations (do not follow your answer with a + or #). All answers are case insensitive, "BE4" is considered the same as "be4".

Non Captures:

If it is a pawn move, just type in the destination square. For example, Pawn from e2 --> e4 would just be "e4".

For any other piece, the format is [Piece Initial][Destination Square]. So Bishop to e4, would be "Be4". Knight uses the piece initial "N" (K is for king), so Knight to e5 would be "Ne5".


If it is a pawn move, the format is [starting column]x[ending square]. So the D-pawn capturing on e4 would be "dxe4"

For any other piece, it is [Piece Initial]x[Destination Square]. Basically exactly the same as before, only with an x in it the description. So bishop capturing on e4 is "Bxe4", Knight capturing on e5 is "Nxe5".

Additional Practice

We have hundreds of different problems, and when you refresh you will get a new set of 10 to try and answer. However, you will not be shown the same problem twice in the same few hours, so it is possible if you do a lot of problems you will see less than 10. If you wait a few hours then all of the ones you have solved with go back into rotation and you can try to do them over again.